3 Factors Contributing to the Price of Egg Tray Making Machine

Now you might wonder why these machines cost so much. Well, there are various factors that contribute to the overall price of this type of machine. First of all, brands that make these machines in bulk usually quote a relatively low price than companies that make only a handful of them throughout the year. Some companies also export egg tray making machines. That means you need to pay for packing and shipping costs, thus increasing the overall egg tray making machine price.

Egg Tray Machine Price
Egg Tray Machine Price

The size, shape, and output quantity also play a role in determining the price of these machines. For example, you get egg trays that can hold up to 30 eggs. But there are trays that can hold only 4 eggs also. A machine that can make customized trays will cost more than one that produces the same type of trays. Here are a few more factors that decide the cost of an egg tray making machine.

1. Capacity

How many egg trays can the machine make in an hour? The more, the better. But that would also increase the machine’s price. Some machines can make at many as 1000 trays in 60 minutes. There are more efficient models that can make almost 7500 pieces in an hour. Click here to know more: https://eggtraymakingmachine.net/pulp-molding-machine/.

Apart from the output, the mechanism of the machine is another factor that you need to remember. Are you buying a manual, semi-automatic, or fully-automatic machine? Manual machines don’t cost a lot. But if you are willing to spend more, you should go for the fully-automatic version.

2. Drying line

Egg tray machines use water to mix all the ingredients. They then send the mixture into a mold where the tray gets its shape. But the tray remains moist when it comes out of the machine. This is because of the presence of water in the mixture. For manual models, you need to dry the trays under the sun or using a blower. Automatic machines dry the trays before sending them out.

Automatic machines that dry the trays come in single-line drying or multi-layer drying facilities. This adds to the cost of the Beston egg tray making machine. A multi-layer drying system can dry thousands of trays together. If you don’t want to spend so much, you can buy one that has a single-line drying system. It can dry at least a few hundred trays in one batch.

Egg Tray Machine In Dominica
Egg Tray Machine In Dominica

3. Machine life

Thankfully, most egg-tray machine manufacturers provide a 20-year manufacturing warranty. The ones that come with a lower machine life may cost less. But it is best if you make a higher initial investment and buy one that promises to last at least a couple of decades if not more. These machines don’t undergo a lot of technological changes. You can expect to get repairable parts even if something goes wrong.

These are the three essential factors that determine the price of an egg tray making machine. You should also consider the brand and its reputation before investing so much money. More information on the blog: https://weheartit.com/BestonMachinery.